Hey !! here is something for you all those who are not qualified Divers. If you have the passion for under water adventure, you can go for PADI certified Dive courses with SEADAN. Even divers can go through advance diving cources with 5* instrutors. Convert your passion in to profession.
1- PADI Open Water Diver (OWD)
2- PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (AOWD)
3- PADI Rescue Diver & EFR
Only ignorant people can assume that divers simply sink to the bottom or swim in the water column. In fact, there are several varieties of this sport depending on the location, procedure, situations and equipments.
Types of scuba diving
Drift diving - places where there are strong undercurrents are selected so that the water carries the human body, creating the effect of weightlessness;
Drop off - Downward along the coral wall, it feels like the ocean is bottomless, while the maximum diving depth for beginnersis no more than 40 meters, and better - about 10;
Wreck diving - wreck diving, in which tourists explore sunken objects, ships, planes, often ancient;
Night diving - a night trip that will become especially spectacular, because the animal world in the southern seas comes to life with the onset of darkness;

Speleology - inspection of underwater caves, a dangerous form of recreation that took the life of even many professionals;
Spearfishing - only hunting without a breathing apparatus is of sporting interest;
Great white shark - diving in a cage with white sharks, takes place in Africa and other countries, a cage with a tourist is immersed in water and luring huge predators - it will definitely be scary here.
Diving in cold water is also popular, but you need to take into account the peculiarities of temperature and choose the right suit for classes, because you do not want to catch a cold and get sick?
Training Centres
Presently we are providing scuba diving courses in thailand and india, you can choose venue as per your convenience.. ...
A) Safe Diving-
Scuba diving is an adventure sports and as we all know that all the adventure activities contain some amount of risk in it and diving is not an exception. To enjoy safe diving divers must strictly follow the safety rules And if you know your training and how to be a safe diver, the risks are minimal.
1. Check your equipments before diving
Underwater, your survival depends upon your equipment. Don’t be lazy when it comes to checking your gear before a dive. Conduct your buddy-check thoroughly —if your or your buddy’s equipment malfunctions it could cause a life-threatening situation for you both. Make sure that you know how to use your gear. The majority of equipment-related accidents occur not because the equipment breaks but because of diver uncertainty as to how it works.
Make sure you know exactly how your integrated weights release and how to deploy your DSMB safely, and that you know where all the dump valves are on your BCD. If you are preparing for an unusual dive, make doubly sure that you’ve made all the appropriate equipment arrangements; for example, when getting ready for a night dive, do you have a primary torch, a backup and a chemical light? Are they all charged fully? If prepping for a nitrox dive, have you made sure to calibrate your computer to your new air mix? Being sufficiently prepared is the key to safe diving.
2. Never hold your breath
As every good entry-level dive student knows, this is the most important rule of scuba. And for good reason — breath holding underwater can result in serious injury and even death. In accordance with Boyle’s law, the air in a diver’s lungs expands during ascent and contracts during descent. As long as the diver breathes continuously, this is not a problem because excess air can escape. But when a diver holds his breath, the air can no longer escape as it expands, and eventually, the alveoli that make up the lung walls will rupture, causing serious damage to the organ.
Injury to the lungs due to over-pressurization is known as pulmonary barotrauma. In the most extreme cases, it can cause air bubbles to escape into the chest cavity and bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, these air bubbles can lead to an arterial gas embolism, which is often fatal. Depth changes of just a few feet are enough to cause lung-over expansion injuries. This makes holding one’s breath dangerous at all times while diving, not only when ascending. Avoiding pulmonary barotrauma is easy; simply continue to breathe at all times.
3. Dive within your limits
Above all, remember that diving should be fun. Never put yourself in an uncomfortable situation. If you aren’t physically or mentally capable of a dive, call it. It’s easy to succumb to peer pressure, but you must always decide for yourself whether to dive. Don’t be afraid to cancel a dive or change a location if you feel that the conditions are unsafe that day. The same site may be within your capabilities one day and not the next, depending on fluctuations in surface conditions, temperature and current. Never attempt a dive that is beyond your qualification level — wreck penetrations, deep dives, diving in overhead environments and diving with enriched air all require specific training.
4. Plan your dive; dive your plan
Taking the time to properly plan your dive is an important part of ensuring your safety underwater. No matter who you’re diving with, make sure that you have agreed on a maximum time and depth before submerging. Be aware of emergency and lost-diver procedures. These may differ slightly from place to place and depend upon the specifics of the dive. If you are diving without a guide, make sure you know how you’ll navigate the site beforehand. Make sure you’re equipped to find your way back to your exit point.
Communicate with your buddy, making sure that you are both agreed on the hand signals you will use; often, we’re paired with strangers while diving and signals can differ quite drastically depending on a diver’s origin. For example, the signal used for ½-tank of air in Asia and the Caribbean is the same signal used by divers in Africa to call the end of a dive. Sticking to your plan is as important as original planning. Check your gauges frequently throughout the dive. It’s easy to lose track of time, and suddenly find yourself dangerously low on air or several minutes into decompression. According to the diver fatality statistics provided by DAN, insufficient gas supply was the leading cause of fatal emergency ascents for the deaths analysed, which could easily have been avoided if air supply had been properly monitored.
5. Practice vital skills
Too often, divers allow the skills that they learn in their entry-level course to lapse over time. In some cases they never properly mastered the skills in the first place. Poor instructors may have overlooked skills due to a large class sizes or a fluke performance at the time. These basic skills are vital to diver safety. Being able to capably perform them in an emergency could be the difference between life and death. Knowing how to use your buddy’s alternate air source, how to conduct a CESA, and how to disconnect your pressure inflator hose are all vital skills in many emergency situations.
Other skills are important in a preventative rather than a reactionary sense. Good buoyancy control is key to avoiding dangerous uncontrolled ascents. Mastering mask clearing could one day be the difference between calmly addressing a problem and succumbing to panic. Rescue-certified or equivalent divers are in a position of responsibility. At any moment, they may need to perform CPR, remove a diver from the water, or give emergency oxygen. Practice and refresh your skill set frequently. Make sure that you’re confident you know how to act if something goes wrong.
6. Establish positive buoyancy at the surface
We usually think of dangerous diving situations occurring underwater. But in reality, 25 percent of diver fatalities stem from problems that arise on the surface. Fatigue is a factor in 28 percent of diver deaths. This is most commonly due to a diver attempting to remain on the surface while over-weighted. Establishing positive buoyancy at the surface conserves energy, preventing exhaustion and drowning. You should establish positive buoyancy at the end of every dive. Doing so is the first step in providing assistance to a tired, panicked or unconscious diver at the surface. Inflate your BCD fully, and if necessary, drop your weights.
Staying safe while diving is simple. With careful preparation, common sense and skill confidence, the potential risks are effectively minimized. Following these rules and the other guidelines of your training not only keeps you safe, but also allows you to relax and have fun. And that, after all, is why you go diving in the first place.
7. Avoid colliding with a boat
Make sure that you always carry a marker buoy with you. Do not assume that boats can see you! Plan your ascent so that it is as close to your boat as possible. When you do your safety stop, make sure that you are at the recommended depth. If you don’t control your depth and buoyancy properly then you run the risk of doing your safety stop at propeller depth. (True story.)
8. An alert diver is a safe diver
There is a reason why divers are cautioned not to drink alcohol for 24 hours before diving. You don’t want to have alcohol in your system when you dive because you need to be alert. If you are feeling hangover or very tired, it is not advisable to dive. You need to be alert and focused in order to dive safely.
9. Know the dive signals
Marine life enthusiasts often get excited about learning the signals for different species. However, the most important hand signals are those pertaining to safety. Make sure that both you and your buddy understand a comprehensive array of signals. Not being able to convey messages accurately and understand each other underwater poses a potential safety risk.
10. Know potential dangerous under water creatures
While diving divers frequently come across many potential poisonous and dangerous creatures like scorpion fish, stone fish, lion fish, Giant moray, sharks and so on. Close encounters with these fishes may put divers life in danger. Hence, divers should have general information about these creatures to avoid any kind of risk from them. Best way is to keep safe distance and stay away from touching any under water creature.Taking the time to properly plan your dive is an important part of ensuring your safety underwater.
Immediately we make a reservation that these recommendations are addressed to those who only want to discover the exciting underwater world, for the community of advanced divers has long been rid of these fears and phobias invented by anyone who does not exist.
1. In order to dive, you must have serious physical training or be a professional athlete!
Yes, indeed in the 60s, when recreational diving was just beginning, it was difficult for a person without special training to adapt from the first try to scuba diving. But years have passed and in the modern world diving has become an integral part of outdoor activities. Almost everyone, except lazy people who are too lazy to tear their relaxed body from a deck chair, can dive. The main position of the diver's body underwater is horizontal. Hands do not make any house-like movements, but simply are stretched forward or bent at the elbows. Straight legs move up and down from the hip without bending the knees. In fact, this is the only part of the body that must move intensively. The calmer and calmer the diver behaves underwater, the longer he has enough air, and therefore the opportunity to see more interesting things. The main load points are to enter and exit the water with equipment or if you get into an intensive current, although usually only experienced divers choose for themselves underwater routes. Beginners prefer a relaxed contemplation than an exhausting struggle over the course! By the way, the second error follows from here ...
2. For diving, you must be able to swim well.
This phrase is pronounced by many newcomers, but is it so. Of course, if you know how to swim, then this skill will not be superfluous to you, but even those who are not familiar with swimming techniques at all will not suffer from this when diving. Let's think about why we need to be able to swim - correctly, to keep ourselves on the surface of the water, and the diver's main task, on the contrary, is to dive under the water. In this process, a compensator for buoyancy or a BCD vest helps submariners. With the help of an inflator (this is a special device with buttons for blowing and bleeding), the diver slowly and smoothly plunges himself down and also raises himself to the surface of the water. The buoyancy compensator is really a whole revolution in recreational diving after the regulator. This element of equipment in an inflated condition on the surface of the water holds a person like a life jacket!
3. I may run out of air not in depth!
No, the air cannot just end like that. On all modern scuba diving (read scuba gear) there are special devices (manometers) that clearly track the amount of air in your tank. All that is needed is to periodically monitor the remaining amount and do not forget the 50 atmospheres rule, which states that if the gauge needle enters the red zone, i.e. falls below 50, the diver needs to start ascent to the surface.
4. Diving is a very expensive pleasure.
This is the way people are built that they cannot live without new impressions and emotions!
Diving centers where you can try without diversifying your vacation to diversify your vacation with unforgettable experiences! Those who have tried diving can be divided into several groups, mainly those who have tried once or twice and those who have been fascinated by underwater passion, they say that they "sat down on a bottle." In any case, in order to discover the underwater world you do not need to be an Arab sheikh, the whole pricing policy is quite accessible to the average layman.
5. I will not be able to breathe underwater.
Indeed, under water all divers swim in a mask, respectively, they cannot breathe through their nose, but do not forget about the strongest human self-preservation instinct, which automatically starts looking for a hole from where the life-giving air comes and as soon as you understand that this source is the mouth, even at the subconscious level you no longer confuse and forget how to breathe under water. You can inhale through the mouth using a special device - the regulator. The regulator supplies air absolutely freely and exactly as much as you need for a sigh. Inhale and exhale must be in the same hole. Using a convenient mouthpiece to hold the regulator in your mouth is not at all difficult.
We discussed the five most common reasons why many people deprive themselves of pleasure will plunge into the unique atmosphere of the underwater kingdom. As you can see, almost all of them are from elementary non-knowledge and prejudice. Having completed your first dive, you will still laugh at your fears! All difficulties can be overcome, and not even with great efforts.